Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 8, 2012

Yesterday Matt, Sarah, Alex and Tyson left for Everett.  We were relieved to hear that they arrived safely and are settled into their Hotel.

I hope this is a good opportunity for Matt (it sounds like it is) and I am already envious of their weather.

For the next few weeks we have a guest named Charlie at our house.  He is a cute little guy and he and Daisy seem to enjoy playing with each other.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 5, 2012
Since Matt, Sara, Alex & Tyson are moving it is time for me to start Family Letters again.  But I think the easiest and most accessible way to do that is to start a blog.  So, here goes.

Yesterday I turned 60.  mentally it didn't bother me a lot but my body did not get the message.  My wrist hurts, my back hurts and my feet hurt.  I think it't time for an oil change.  I probably need a tune up but I don't want to go there.

We had everyone over for dinner yesterday for Independence Day (yes, and Tessa's birthday and my birthday).  it was nice.  We had ka-bobs and then played with fireworks a little.  I tried to start the back  yard on fire and Hannah told me that I am a bad influence.  If she only knew. . .

They gave me a Dr Seuss Book and Matt commented that it reminded him of me because I used to make up Suessish rhymes when the kids were younger.  Perhaps I should try my hand at that again.

I will try to find some pictures to post to make this a little more interesting.  In the meantime, we love you all and more-to-come.
